Rewarding Opportunities With Hugs


We rely solely on volunteers and without them, we could not provide the high level of care we provide our dogs.  Volunteers also help us provide our clinics and educational services to the community.  Fill out our application.  We will contact you will the date and time of our next Orientation. 

Volunteer Application

Exercise and Socialization
This includes walking, bathing, and socializing our adoptable dogs.  Pick one hour, one or two times per week that works for you. 

Dog Care
Cleaning kennels, providing fresh water, washing dishes, sweeping, and mopping.  This is a great way to get to know our dogs and staff.

Day Hikes With A Dog
Take a friend hiking with you!  Dogs need lots of exercise and outdoor experiences and they all love a good hike. This is meant to be an extended half-day or day trip.

Most of our dogs need basic training to be a great family companion!  Help us make a difference to our dogs by making sure they have great manners.

Foster Opportunities

Not ready for a full-time family member?  Take a dog home with you to give him or her a vacation from the shelter. We supply everything you need from food to toys.  You just need to love on them!

Contact Us For Available Dogs